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Why Should You Consider Professional Teeth Whitening?

Professional teeth whitening is a popular, quick, and cost-effective way to get that Hollywood smile you’ve always dreamed of. In this post, we’ll go over the professional teeth whitening process and benefits and why home whitening treatments pale in comparison to a professional treatment.

Professional Whitening Methods

There are a few different teeth whitening treatments available. Some of the most popular ones include:

  • Teeth whitening toothpaste:Home teeth whitening starts with teeth whitening toothpaste. Although this method will whiten your teeth and give you a brighter smile, it’s limited to surface stains online. Since the toothpaste does not contain bleach, it can only get your teeth about one shade lighter.
  • Whitening trays, strips, and gels:These popular whitening treatments will produce a brighter smile than whitening toothpaste because they can get deeper inside the teeth. These methods are coated with hydrogen peroxide-based whitening gel and take about 14 days to work.
  • Whitening rinses:Whitening rinses also use hydrogen peroxide to whiten teeth. Swish the rinse in your mouth for 60 seconds like you would with regular mouthwash.
  • In-office teeth whitening:Professional teeth whitening is the most effective treatment for a bright smile. During professional whitening treatment, teeth whitening specialists will apply the whitening agent directly to the teeth and then expose them to a light or laser. This is the best teeth whitening method and can make the teeth three to eight shades lighter.

Here’s Why You Should Consider Professional Teeth Whitening

Professional teeth whitening procedures have an array of powerful benefits, including the following:

Brighter and Whiter Smile 

The most obvious benefit of a professional teeth whitening treatment is its effectiveness. Teeth whitening clinics specialize in creating white teeth and will make your teeth several shades lighter. At-home teeth whitening treatments can’t come close to what professional teeth whitening products can do, making it well worth the professional whitening cost.

Long-Lasting Results

Professional teeth whitening can last between one to three years! Combining your whitening procedure with regular dental care and check-ups can prolong your results and beautiful smile even longer.

Immediate Results

There’s no waiting around for weeks on end for results to appear when you choose a professional teeth whitening procedure. Instead, you can enjoy your results and dazzling smile the second you get out of the dentist’s chair!

A Safe Procedure

Out of all the teeth whitening options, you can rest easy with professional teeth whitening, knowing it is safe. Since it is done by a team of teeth whitening specialists, there’s no need to worry about putting on too much of the bleaching agent and causing extreme tooth sensitivity. (Something that commonly happens with at-home treatment options.) You will also be awake for the whole teeth whitening treatment. Plus, there’s no downtime associated with it, allowing you to show off your beautiful smile as soon as your procedure is done.

Prevent Gum Irritation With In-Office Whitening

At-home teeth whitening can be painful, especially for people with sensitive teeth. At teeth whitening clinics, you are counting on the expertise of teeth whitening specialists who do this daily. That means you can kiss gum irritation from over-bleaching and the trays rubbing against your gums goodbye and enjoy a brighter smile.

Improve Your Oral Hygiene Habits

Get rid of your discoloured teeth and red wine stains. Instead, enjoy teeth that are multiple shades whiter than before. Get your teeth cleaned regularly to keep them looking their best, as well as regular brushing and flossing. This will improve your overall dental hygiene, leading to a happier and healthier you.

Protect Your Teeth with Professional Care

Ready to experience professional whitening results for yourself? Let Great Alpine Dental shine and brighten your pearly whites. When it comes to whitening teeth, protect your smile and peace of mind by trusting a professional and experienced team. We offer the best professional teeth whitening treatments on the Gold Coast. Contact us today to learn more.

Great Alpine Dental